Monday 30 June 2014

Steve Jobs

Albert Einstien

Alexandra Graham Bell

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen

Robert E Khan Prezi

Geometry outside

This is a picture of a shape called a cuboid and it is a tree pole.This is maths because this shape has sides and edges.Caitlin.


We are learning that shapes go beyond maths.


This is what it looks like

3D shapes.


Egg in a cup with food colouring

You can put an egg in a cup with food colouring and wait for 48 hours.


Look at our eggs


we did eye art.We had to draw a eye then do pictures inside the eye

Sunday 29 June 2014

Cambridge netball reps

 Me and  phoebe were at my sister reps to watch and we had some chips and we were running around 
And playing lots of games like netball with my friends

Ox Ford Owl

Ox For Owl is a reading activity for the class room it is also on the blog.


In the weekend I had 4 tournament against 4 1A teams and lost

Go Goodwood

On Saturday my team For netball played a very!!! Challenging game of Netball. We won 8 nil GO MINIONS!!!!!!! (Bye the way our team is called the Minions)

Thursday 26 June 2014

Egg-cellent Experiment

This is an amazing egg-periment that will make you into an egg head. This is what you will need a raw egg, a cup and vinegar. 

First put the egg in the cup and add vinegar. after a day change the vinegar then wait until the egg shell comes off. 

Try bounce the egg down low and then see how high you can bounce the egg without it bursting. 

this is how it works: when the vinegar touches the egg the membrain makes it bounce.

By Abbey, Ella, Kathryn and Georgiana.


These are our amazing art pictures that we have done!!!
This is a picture that we copied from the internet that somebody drawn It's amazing isn't it!!!!

This is my picture that I haven't finished.mine is of  buildings!! Do you like it

This is Anna's picture that I drawn mine is space and buildings!!!!do you like it.

 This is Isabella picture.Do you like it:)

Extrem maths

Maths is fun because if someone asked you a maths-equation when  

Your older  you won't get a red face.

Winter sports

In winter sports William Jack and  Alex liked cach the  thief dodg ball and soccer. Because it was challenging

Thursday 26th June we had sports day it looked like this

Monday 23 June 2014

All blacks

On the weekend I went to the rugby with jack G and we saw a person started a Mexican wave. It looked a little like this.

Sunday 22 June 2014


Look what happens when you put eggs in vinegar

Egg-citing Experiment

We put the eggs in a cup to soak in vinegar. All the shell came off it. We left it for three days. When they had soaked we got some newspaper on the cobbles and took the eggs out of the vinegar. We wanted to see what would happen...

We tried to bounce the eggs! Some where bouncy and a few popped.

We bounced the eggs from a low distance to stop them from popping.

Next, we are soaking them a bit longer to see what happens.

By Brooklyn, Georgina and Isabella.

The Water Cycle

Logan, Anna and Kendra have been learning about the water cycle. 

Here are some essential facts:

It is necessary to take care of water because we only have a certain amount.

The water goes in a cycle. 

The sun evaporates water from the sea. 

It turns into vapour. 

Look at our posters that explain the water cycle. 

By Logan and Anna

Sunday 15 June 2014

Week 8, Wonderings

Week 8

I cannot believe that it is already week 8! Where has the time gone? Over the last couple of weeks we have been taking part in some very exciting science experiments. We have made inflatable air beds out of straws and plastic bags, made pyslli slime out of psyllium husk and water, oobleck out of water and corn flour, magic beans out of paper and marbles, and root-copters out of paper and paperclips. This week we were going to be making bouncy balls but I am struggling to find borax.. So this week we are going to be looking at experiments with eggs... hmmm I wonder what we will do with them....

PLEASE have a look at Caitlin's and Abbey's explanation writing about pyslli slime.

Have a great week all

Monday 2 June 2014

Wonder Wall (week 5)

Week 5

Wow I have been so impressed by everyones contributions on our Wondering Walls. Keep all the comments coming as we do have another wall for week 5.
Just a reminder that this week is a short one, but we will still be having homework like normal. If you were away on Friday you need to remember to get your homework sheet off my desk - it will have your name on it :)
If you would like to work on your multiplication/ division facts have a look on the Mult/Div game link that I have added down the side of the page.
I have also added the reading tumbler that we looked on Friday. For those that were away this is a website that has online books on it. You can either read the books or can listen to them. Let me know how you get on.

I hope you are all ready for a busy day tomorrow.