Celebrating Our Successes

Wanted Character Descriptions  - using Pic collage to present writing.

Explanation Writing

What happens when you mix psyllium husk with water?

What is Psyllium Husk?
Psyllium Husk is something that looks like sand. Psyllium Husk is a dry herd that absorbs water.

Add water to Psyllium Husk then wait until it starts to rise from the bowl. If you add hot water the Psyllium Husk rises and goes really hot. When the Psylli Slime is hot its very sticky. When its cold its hard to grab and quite stale. When you put it in the microwave it rises faster but is still hot and sticky. The Psylli Slime is fun to play with. It can sometimes be annoying. When you put food colouring in it, it just changes colour. If you have nothing to do on a rainy day Psyllie Slime will solve that.

By Abbey

What happens When You Mix Psyllium Husk With Water?

Psyllium Husk turns into psylli slime when it is mixed with water and then hardens.

What is Psyllium Husk?
Psyllium Husk is a dried herb that is similar to barley and other grains and also native to India. It is completly natural and has lots of fibre.

What actually happens?
When you add water to the Psyllium Husk it absorbs the water and becomes all gooey and expands because of all the fibre and it absorbs the water because the Psyllium Husk is dry. If you put the Psyllium Husk and water into the microwave it will speed up the process by making the Psyllium Husk rise up because of the heat,when you take the Psyllium Husk and water out of the microwave they will go downwards because it is not in the microwave and it is not as warm anymore.

When the psylli slime is hot it is slimy and sticky. When it is cold it hardens and becomes all rubbery. Psylli slime is a great activity to do when you have nothing to do on a boring day Psylli Slime will solve THAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Written By Caitlin

Week 9
Authors of the Week.
We have continued to develop or skills when writing descriptions. This week we wrote Wanted descriptions for the Big Bad Wolf.  Please let us know what you think of them.

Wanted Man Eater Wolf
Written By Jack W

Have you seen the man eating wolf? He is about 2 metres tall and weighs approximately 130kgs. He has red hot eyes that glow in the dark and a long brown snout. He's got razor sharp yellow teeth. He wears a green t-shirt and blue short pants with stolen leather red shinny boots. He's got dark brown fur with a shade of black. 
If you see him contact the Bravery Police on 119 ASAP and they will do the rest. Please don't go near him because one day he ate ten people in one mouthful!

Wanted  Wolf
Written By Katie

Have you seen the wanted wolf? He is very evil, smart, fast and cheeky. He has sharp razor teeth that he can eat you with. He has the most furriest tail that you will ever see! He has fluffy body hair to cuddle. Don't go near him because he will eat you up in one bite! He lives in the woods with a creak going through it. 
He was last seen stealing Miss Cowell's sheep and wearing a purple t-shirt with rips all over it with some brown ripped pants.
If you see him call the Wood Police on 123 and they will put him down.

Wanted  Wolf
Written By Isabella

Have you seen the nosy human eating wolf which is called Ben? He's about 105cm tall and 35kgs. He has razor sharp teeth that he uses for taking the dead flesh off little kids. He has evil dark blue eyes and he has fluffy darker than black fur.
Mr Ben is wanted for eating pigs and another animals in the forest. He was last seen in Animals Forest eating a lamb and chasing them. He is known to be vicious and evil. If you see him, go run away before he tricks you or worse eats you. If you do go to the Animal 

Forest bring a phone so if you do see him you can contact Animal Axeman on 1171 ASAP.

Week 8
Authors of the Week 
We have been exploring description writing and the importance behind it. We decided to write "Missing Friend Descriptions" to link in with our inquiry. Please let us know what you think of them.

Missing Friend 
Written By Alex

Have you seen Leo? He is eight years old and has long brown hair. He likes sport and he fit with big feet. His favourite colour is red and he likes playing action games. He likes having fun and wearing black shirts with league shorts. He was last seen at the skate park in Cambridge. 
If you come across him he is pretty out going and likes playing  Xbox-360. His favourite food is hotdogs and pies. Please phone Robbie on 827 835 or 354 5678 if you find him.

Missing Friend 
Written By Hunter

Have you seen my friend Caitlin? She has brown eyes and is very short for her age, which is seven years old. She has got long brown hair with olive coloured skin and she is very tanned on the top. Caitlin is around 1m tall. She was last wearing a plain blue short sleeve top, a red skirt with flowers on it, some black tights with white dots on them and her hair was in a pony tail.
She was last seen in Goodwood School in Ruma Weka writing in her book at her desk. She is as smart as calculator and is very number & word smart. Caitlin flexible and very playful. She is a self manager and a thinker. If you come across Caitlin she loves to dance so maybe give her some music to dance to and some food, her favourite food is raspberries. Her favourite singer is Katy Perry and Lord and her favourite song is dark horse. If you see her please contact Caitlin’s Mum Anna on 08927610176 or 0189254621.  Thank You. 

Missing Friend
Written By Freya

Have you seen Riley?  She  is eight  years old with mousey blonde coloured hair and her eyes are wind blue. She wears light pink ear rings with a panda bear T-shirt covering her pink shorts. She also wears a black necklace with a green rock on it.
She was last seen on the playground the 17th of March. If you come across Riley she is normally very confident but in this case she might a bit shy. To make Riley feel at home she really enjoys any sort of sport and loves to dance. Her favourite food is sushi. So if you do come across Riley please call Freya on, 0230038 or Debbie on 1326380. 

Thank You!!! 

Authors of the Week.
Wow it was extremely hard to choose this week. Logan, William and Kendra have written some well worded Camp Memoirs. Please leave some comments.

The Magnificent Jump

Written by Logan

Zoom, zoom, zoom woohoo! I’ve just been up the jump and I’m I the air. My heart is pounding as I speed around the corner on my bike. I’m at the finish line and so is Jack. Jack and I quickly go to get a drink. We go back to the start ramp and I’m first. I shoot down the ramp and then Jack goes down. He skids round the corner. As he catches up to me I speed up. Just then we go up a magnificent jump. I’m in the air and so is Jack. Suddenly Jade is just around the corner and she is in the air too. As we come down Jade falls off. Jack and I skid around the corner and stop. We get off and Jack helps her, she is all right. We help her up and she is off, so are we. We get to the finish line; wow this is such a great day!

Desert Heat
Written By William

It is the middle of the first day. I’m standing here in the boiling desert heat. I can feel my sticky sweat running down my face as I am heading to archery. My group and we are sitting listening to the archery instructors they are saying that we put the arrow in the bow, pull back and release. I can’t wait to have a go. Finally it is my turn, I stand up and grab the bow off the instructor. I put the arrow in and pull it back as far as I can and release… Whoosh! Plonk! Yes! Straight into the ring beside the bulls eye. I say to myself “I can do it, I can hit the bulls eye!” I do the same thing two more times. I was so close to hitting the bull’s eye. Ring, ring goes the bell. We are now moving on to damper making. As I am walking over to the campfire I say to myself “That was the best activity!”

The Best Concert Ever!
Written By Kendra

Wow we are up next at the concert! I am a little bit nervous, okay a lot nervous! What if I trip or mess up? But I slowly get up as the kids come down. I feel confident within myself. We step onto the stage. As Maddie says her first words I quietly remember mine. As I say mine I say, “I’m Kendra and I’m being Olsa.” As I go down the steps I say “Yes!” quietly to myself. Maddie starts singing “The windows open, so is that door.” I move up onto the stage and confidently say “Don’t let them in, don’t let them see be the good girl.” Slowly I come down. I am so happy! I turn and say to Maddie, “That was fun as!” Maddie and I snuggle up in the cape. I start planning Goodwood’s got talent in my head.

Wow what and exciting Statistics lesson this morning!! The class wanted to know 
how long it takes everyone to drink their milk in the morning. So we decided to record our data using a stem and leaf graph.

These are some of the memoirs that students wrote. They were writing about a time that they felt sad or different.


I was behind Ruma Hoiho at clean, green, healthy Goodwood School. It was as healthy as a green going centre. We were all arguing. Oops! Sorry, I forgot to tell you who I’m talking about. Well I’m talking about my friends. One called Anna and the other called Lucy. Anna is wearing a long, green, flowery skirt and a sparkly, green top. I was wearing a blue and green cardigan and a navy blue skirt. And Lucy was wearing a pink flower top and light purple shorts. They are being mean to me by saying that they should have a day together just Anna and Lucy and no others including me. I felt so lonely and disappointed that I sat down on the grass and sighed. I could hear Anna and Lucy telling to each other that I should play on my own. I felt cross at them though and I could taste my saliva thrashing wildly around and round my mouth. I could smell the nectar from daffodils. And they are as yellow as the shining sun. I could feel the wind urging me to tell Anna and Lucy what I thought. So I did it. I knew I could so I did it. I told Anna and Lucy it was not nice to leave anyone out. They stood quietly for about a minute to think about what I had told them. And they were as quite as mice sleeping in the day. Then they finally agreed. Yay!! We all shouted and we had a lovely rest of the lunchtime.

Written by Caitlin

I can see some boys playing tag on the green-grassy field. I could smell the refreshing buttercups that are as yellow as the bright shining sun.
I came up to Bill and said, “Can I play?”  “Yes.” So I ran away to the deck where there were heaps of people on the brown hard rippled deck.  Then I heard Bill “Everyone who is playing come here.” So we all ran to Bill. Suddenly Bill announces, “No year threes can play!”
So I had nothing to do. I felt as lonely as a lost shark with no friends. Sadder than an octopus with no arms. As awful as mud pies. So I started digging holes with a stick in the hard dirt and sighed sadly to myself.

Written by Charlie

One hot sunny morning I was still in bed and my sisters were already out of the house. I jumped out of my bed as fast as a Jack in the box and then I got dressed. I went outside to play and I asked my sister if I could play. She said “No!” I felt my heart explode like a creeper. Then I went to tell my Mum. Mum said, “Breanna, le him play!” But she still said, “No, he ruins games!” Mum got angry with Breanna because she could see I was upset. Mum said in an angry voice “Let him play!” Breanna said, “Okay.” And then said sorry so we all played the game together.

Written by Thomas

These are some of Holiday Recounts that we wrote.

Monday 3rd February 2014

Summer Holiday Highlight

Birthday Party

One sunny day I jumped out of bed and excitedly got dressed. I ran like a cheetah into Mum and Dads room and woke then up. “It’s my Birthday!” I said. So Mum and Dad had a shower and had breakfast. Later the guests started showing up. In the car I heard the news on the radio. I looked outside and saw the green trees and bright cars pass by. Finally we were at the movies. We hurried inside after a short time Mum brought some popcorn to share. i tasted the butter popcorn crunch in my mouth. I also smelt the butter popcorn too! Later we walked to the black, shiny car as i opened the door the felt the hot door handle and went inside the car. After the guests left I said, “This is the best day ever!”

By Abbey     

Monday 3rd February
Summer Holiday Highlight

Boogie board bash 

One awesome sunny bright day in Whangamata Riley, Charlie and I decided we would go boogie boarding we quickly ate breakfast and headed for the car “I’m in the front” said Charlie “Ok is everyone buckled in” said mum “YES” we all shouted. As soon as we got there we got out. I stared at the waves and ran as fast as the wind. I jumped on my boogie board and started paddling. There it was the biggest darkest wave of all I stood up and jumped on my boogie board and.... Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee “I caught it” “ Ok girls lets go get yummy fish and chips” “yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” thanks mum” I shout.

The end.
By Phoebe

Monday 3rd February
Summer Holiday Highlight

I was so excited we were going to the beach with the Boodles. But we had to four hours to get there. Finally when we got there I saw waves crashing onto the shore. The water was as blue as the sky. William and I raced to get the spades and dug a big hole. Williams’s brothers helped too. It was as big as a crater. Then we filled the hole up with water then dry soft sand. We then covered ourselves with it. We had so much fun playing in the sand.

By Jack G


  1. Let us know what you think about our Weekly Authors

  2. What powerful pieces of writing from a Year 4 class. Very impressive. From Ms Copping

  3. I like all of the story's they sound amazing

  4. I agree they are fantastic
