Monday 27 October 2014

Week 3 reminders

Middle syndicate production is this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Remember middle syndicate students need to be in their classrooms by 5:45 pm hall door open at 6:00 pm

There will be no homework this week. Help goodwood love zero packaging lunches

Up and coming events life skills Fluor day Tuesday 4 November - gold coin donation - bring along your stuffed toy in costume as well

Sunday 19 October 2014

Ag day

This was ag day all weka's that did not have animals went to activates and they made thes things.


Today it is Monday and we have been learning Contractions or we call them apostrophes and asqaushtrophes because they squash two words together to make one word. Here are some reasons why to use contractions.

You don't have to write as much
It's quicker to write one word then two words
Makes the word shorter

Here are some examples of a Contracton word.

Would not = wouldn't
I am = I'm
He has = he's

What's happening this week?

Today is Monday 20th of October and today is Ag Day. For Ag Day you can bring in a calf, a kid or a lamb. 

We are going to have a full reds rehearsal for Hooray for Goodwood Primary Day, our production for the middle syndicate.

Athletics training has started! We can't wear a skirt or a dress unless it has leggings or shorts underneath it.

The money sellers

Sunday 12 October 2014

Goals for term 4

Welcome to term 4

Welcome to Term 4. We are all pleased to be back and are looking forward to another busy and enjoyable term. We trust you all had restful and happy holidays with your family. Our focus for Term 4 is working together co-operatively and first up in week 2 is our annual Agricultural Day. All children who do not have animals will be involved in some Ag Day activity (more information later in the week). Bring on the sunshine! Just a reminder sun hats are compulsory this term.

As you will be aware our production is coming up fast. We will be working hard in the first two weeks to ensure all students are ready for their big performance. All students in the Middle Syndicate are involved and you will see the Goodwood School community coming alive on stage through dance, drama and music. Our performance day is:
Wednesday 29th October
Matinee 1.30pm
Evening 6.30pm
Cost: Adults $5.00, 
Goodwood Students Free, Non Goodwood Student $2.00
Quality Colour Programme: Koha
Tickets are available from the school office.

We are planning an exciting end of year trip for the Middle Syndicate to Lake Karapiro to take part in archery, raft building, kayaking, orienteering and an aqua slide. This will be 
run by Sport Waikato and qualified 
instructors. The year 3 students will be going on Thursday 4th December and the year 4 students on Friday 5th December. The cost will be $15.00 per person. We will need parent transport and assistance for this event so please mark your calendar (sorry no pre-schoolers on this trip). 

Again this term homework contracts are for 1 week with new spelling words for each week. There will be no homework in week 3 due to Labour Day and production also homework will finish in week 8. It is your child’s responsibility to ensure they have their homework book back to school every Friday (for spelling tests and new words). If 
your child is away from school they need to ensure that they get their homework on their first day back at school. 

This term we begin by focussing on developing our athletics skills in the “Run, Jump, Throw” programme. Athletics Day is Friday 14th November at the Cambridge Athletics grounds. We have sports Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and expect children to be appropriately dressed to be able to participate comfortably (t.shirts, shorts and sunhat). 

Please ensure you have commented in these and returned them to school by the end of week one so that we can begin putting in this term’s samples and assessments. Portfolios will come home again at the end of the year along with the final school report. 

Children are required to wear a sunhat that aligns with our school policy in terms 1 and 4. Children without hats are directed to play or sit in the shade during breaks and sports. New guidelines from the Cancer Society state that children should NOT apply sunblock before 11am, so that they receive adequate doses of vitamin D. We have supplies of SPF30 block at school for children to apply for lunch break and afternoon activities.