Sunday 18 May 2014

What does Significance mean to you?

Please let us know what is significant to you.

Hokey Pokey

Have a look at the photos of us making hokey pokey. We made hokey pokey so that we could clearly see the importance of using precise language and bossy verbs when writing instructional writing.

The recipe is below.

5 Tbsp Chelsea White Sugar
2 Tbsp Chelsea Golden Syrup
1 tsp baking soda

Put sugar and golden syrup into a saucepan. Heat gently, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves. Increase the heat and bring to the boil. Boil for two minutes. Stir occasionally, if necessary, to prevent burning. Remove from heat. Add baking soda. Stir quickly until mixture froths up rapidly! Pour into a buttered tin immediately. Leave until cold and hard then break into pieces.

Special thanks to Edmonds for use of this Best Ever recipe.

Term 3

Wow, we are in week three already!

We have got so many things happening this week starting with suessical, musical tomorrow. We will be leaving school at 12.15, returning around 2pm. Thank you for all the parents who are providing transport and those that offered. If you missed out keep in mind that we have got the museum trip week four.

Our next event this week is the OK Crew. This dance crew performed on New Zealand's Got Talent and they will be performing to the whole school at 9am. We are all very excited for about this.

We are also officially starting mid term testing this week in preparation for mid-term reports. This does mean that the classroom programme may look a little different in order to fit everything in.

Our final event for this week is the start of Friday night hockey at St Peters College.

It is going to be an extremely busy yet exciting week.

Monday 5 May 2014

Welcome Back

Wow Term 2 has now begun. I cannot believe that we are already into the 5th Month. This term is only 9 weeks and it is jam packed with lots of exciting events and activities.

For the next two terms  our Inquiry is ‘Life is a Highway’. This could lead us in many different directions so watch this space. We will be asking lots of questions and doing lots of critical thinking during this time.

We will be involved in some technology challenges and science experiments throughout our inquiry immersion. We will also be learning how to use our SMARTs to present our findings through music, dance, drama and using different apps on the ipads.

The teachers also have a surprise planned that will spark our imagination and ignite our critical and reflective thinking...

Following on from last term, we will be finishing off our Measurement unit focusing on Time.  We will then be going onto Multiplication and Division before looking at Geometry towards the end of the term. 
I have also signed each of the student up to E- ako which is a math website that helps students build on their knowledge. 

We are focusing on the fundamental skills used in the sports of Hockey and Rippa Rugby. Our sport time is Friday middle block so please encourage your child to wear appropriate clothing and footwear on this day.

As many of our children are becoming independent readers they should be selecting their own home reading material. Other children will occasionally bring home readers or fluency books from school to read. All children need to have at least 4 entries of reading in their homework books each week. It is absolutely fine to be reading the same book over several weeks or read magazines or books that are easy. 

We will continue with our homework from Term 1. This will usually come home Monday and should be back at school by Friday for marking. There will be homework EVERY week except for week 9. It is your child’s responsibility to ensure they have their homework book each night and back to school every Friday. If your child is away from school they need to get their homework books organised their first day back at school.

We have two trips planned this term and will once again need your support with transport. Our first trip is to the Cambridge High School production of Seussical on Monday 19th May. The second trip is the Waikato Museum to visit Exscite, Planet Warrior and the Roman Machines exhibits on Wednesday 28th May. These are interactive activities which will play a big part in our inquiry immersion. Please watch out for the notices that will be coming home, fill them in and send back to the classroom teachers.

We will be continuing on with our spelling rules from last term. To start the term we will be focussing on short and long vowel sounds. You child will have words related to this pattern and words from their writing for their spelling homework. Please encourage them to practice spelling their words, (you can find ideas in the front of the homework books) and learn the spelling pattern/rule. 

Reports and portfolios are due for the end of this term. Parent / Teacher interviews are early next term.

Please could you send your portfolio’s back to school as soon as possible. 

Don’t forget to please name all your children’s belongings so we can reduce our lost property.

If you have any queries or concerns, feel free to contact the school, email, send a note via your child, or pop in to see us. Please note we are unavailable after school on Mondays and Tuesdays due to staff meeting commitments. 

I hope that everyone is feeling refreshed and ready for a fun-filled term